Welcome to my blog on Quality, elearning, OER, OEP, OEC, and user generated content (UGC)

The posts in my blog will be both in English and Swedish.
Blogposterna kommer att vara både på svenska och engelska.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My three latest book chapters

My three latest book chapters are the following, all published Summer 2014

My first chapter: 

Once considered disruptive to learning, technology has increasingly become an integrated and valued part of the modern classroom. In particular, mobile technologies provide the ability to encourage evocative student learning through new experiences.

Promoting Active Learning through the Integration of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies showcases the widely varied ways that technology can be applied to enhance classroom learning. Closely examining and critiquing the best methods in assimilating technologies, this publication is a valuable resource for faculty, teachers, administrators, technology staff, directors of learning centers, and other education technology leaders interested in incorporating new technologies within the classroom for engaging student learning.

Topics Covered
  • Classroom Learning
  • Education Technology
  • Information Technology
  • Innovative Teaching Approaches
  • Mobile Applications
  • Mobile Technology
  • Student Learning
  • Virtual Learning Environments

Ossiannilsson, E. Quality Enhancement for M-learning in Higher Education (2014). In: Keengwe, J. (2015). Promoting Active Learning through the Integration of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies (pp. 1-304). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-6343-5

This chapter focuses mainly on quality and a frame of reference to understand M-learning dimension concerns as course design, learning design, and media design and content. Consistent layout and design, clear organization, and presentation of information, consistency, easy-to-use navigation, and aesthetically pleasing design and graphics are dimensions that also have to be taken into consideration. It is argued in this chapter that security, accessibility, interactivity, flexibility, personalization, and the devices and interfaces are the main quality dimensions. 

My second chapter

Everyday learners use and reuse open, digital resources for learning. Reusing Open Resources offers a vision of the potential of these open, online resources to support learning. The book follows on from Reusing Online Resources: A SustainablApproach to E-learning. At that time focus was on the creation, release and reuse of digital learning resources modeled on educational materials. Since then the open release of resources and data has become mainstream, rather than specialist, changing societal expectations around resource reuse. Social and professional learning networks are now routine places for the exchange of online knowledge resources that are shared, manipulated and reused in new ways, opening opportunities for new models of business, research and learning. 

The goal of this book is to extend the debate of how open, online resources might support learning across diverse contexts. Twenty-four distinguished experts from nine countries distributed across Europe and North America contribute empirical evidence and ideas. Collectively they provide a vision of the potential of open, online resources to support learning across everyday contexts of education, work and life.

Pre-publication versions of five chapters from the book, with a special version of the editors' introduction are published in the open access Journal of Interactive Media in Education, in a special Issue dedicated to the book: 'Open for Learning Special Issue’ -http://jime.open.ac.uk/

Ponti M, Berquist M & Ossiannilsson E (2014) Learning across Sites through Learning by Design in Use In: A Littlejohn & C Pegler (eds). Reusing Open Resources Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education.

The focuses of the chapter are about OER and learning by design in use.

My third chapter

Digitaliseringen i dagens samhälle är ett faktum. Vad innebär barns och ungdomars förändrade uppväxtvillkor för lärande och utbildning? Hur formas lärares roll i det samtida medielandskapet?
INTERAKTIVA MEDIER OCH LÄRANDEMILJÖER presenterar olika synvinklar på dagens utbildning, både från forskning och från praktik. Författarna tar avstamp i att lärare redan har tillgång till interaktiva medier i lärandemiljöer men att de inte alltid vet hur de ska använda dessa tillsammans med eleverna.
INTERAKTIVA MEDIER OCH LÄRANDEMILJÖER består av 13 kapitel som utifrån olika tillämpningar, erfarenheter och exempel ger lärare och pedagoger idéer, begrepp och metoder för sin professionella utveckling. De olika kapitlen ska kunna fungera som inspiration, diskussionsunderlag eller utgångspunkter för vidare problematisering, i arbetslag, utbildning eller för en enskild pedagog.
Creelman A, Ossiannilsson E & Falk P (2014) Förändringar, utmaningar, gränslöst lärande. In: E Dunkels och  S Lindgren (eds) INTERAKTIVA MEDIER OCH LÄRANDEMILJÖER. Gleerups: Malmö (In Swedish).
The chapter (In Swedish) focuses on the changing educational landscape, and the paradigm shift towards open learning. MOOCs, OERs, gamifications as well as informal and formal learning are discussed.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Practical example to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute Creative Commons resources #OCL4Ed

The task for e-tivity 4.1 at the course #OCL4Ed is to write a Blog post of 700 - 900 words based on practical example to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute Creative Commons (CC) resources plus reflection on the exercise. In this Blog post I will like to:
  • Reflect on how creativity builds on  the past
  • Discover how CC uses copyright law to provide permission to copy, distribute, modify and share creative works
  • Study the components of the six CC licences
  • Identify the three layers of a CC licence, namely the legal code, the licence deed and the machine readable code
  • Study the legal compatibility among different licence types when remixing materials
For my own preparing of material, writing etc, I always look if something similar already exists. It is important to remember that Creative Commons licenses are not an alternative to copyright. They work alongside copyright and enable you to modify your copyright terms to best suit your needs. The crucial is that with CC one can build forward on others work, and don´t have to reinvent the wheel oneself all the time. This was also the meaning with copyright from its very beginning, to give acknowledge to the originator/s. The great issue with CC is that the originator clearly and conciously decides her/hiselves, that allows the others as well to also decide tehmseles, and to always acknowledge the creator.

In my experiences I dons see that much unfortunatly on revising, remixing and distributions of others material. True OER users mean for example tht real OERs are just materials with CC BY and CC BY SA.  Most often however, I see materials with the so called strongest CC licence. I would have love to see more materials available with possibilities to really reuse and remix so one can bild further on on ideas etc. Then it automatically will be quality reviewed as well, with so called peer review. That’s whay I very much appreciate the project on Open Edcuational Ideas. 
As it is said in the introduction webpage of this project: ...the main purpose of licensing educational material under open licences is to allow for anyone to use, re-use or re-purpose them. However, despite a strong movement in recent years to publish such material, OER reuse is still not a common practice in Higher Education, schools and enterprises. The project intend to tackle these issues by enabling Open Education at an early stage: instead of sharing complete OER or Open Educational Practices (OEP), the aim is to share ideas in the early design process. Probably, through, this this process a fundamentally different uptake of OER can be possible by creating Emotional Ownership of OER from teh very start.

The three layers of a CC licence, namely the legal code, the licence deed and the machine readable code
The public copyright licenses incorporate a unique and innovative “three-layer” design. Each license begins as a traditional legal tool, in the kind of language and text formats that most lawyers know and love. This is  call this the Legal Code layer of each license.
But since most creators, educators, and scientists are not in fact lawyers, the licenses are available in a format that normal people can read — the Commons Deed (also known as the “human readable” version of the license). The Commons Deed is a handy reference for licensors and licensees, summarizing and expressing some of the most important terms and conditions. Think of the Commons Deed as a user-friendly interface to the Legal Code beneath, although the Deed itself is not a license, and its contents are not part of the Legal Code itself.
The final layer of the license design recognizes that software, from search engines to office productivity to music editing, plays an enormous role in the creation, copying, discovery, and distribution of works. In order to make it easy for the Web to know when a work is available under a Creative Commons license, a “machine readable” version of the license  is provided— a summary of the key freedoms and obligations written into a format  those software systems, search engines, and other kinds of technology can understand. We developed A standardized way to describe licenses that software can understand is developed and which is called CC Rights Expression Language (CC REL) to accomplish this.

Searching for open content is an important function enabled by this approach. One can use Google to search for Creative Commons content, look for pictures at Flickr, albums at Jamendo, and general media at spinxpress. The Wikimedia Commons, the multimedia repository of Wikipedia, is a core user of our licenses as well.

Taken together, these three layers of licenses ensure that the spectrum of rights isn’t just a legal concept. It’s something that the creators of works can understand, their users can understand, and even the Web itself can understand.

Task on multiple choice questions OCL4Ed

One of the tasks for OCL4Ed, Activity 3.1 is to preparea and publish a blog containing two multiple choice questions based on copyright situation (i.e. a mini scenario).

The scenario; An academic at University XYZ, in  Sweden has developed course material for her course abc. She is used to apply copyright on her material, so when she was introduced to Crative Commons (CC) she was unsecure how to choice her licence, as she wanted to be accrediated for her work as originator, and furthermore she did´t want others to do any changes nor make money of it. 

A. Which CC should she use:

Please choose  the number (s) which apply
Right answer is number 6.

B. How shall she register her licence
1. Just tell her Director
2. Just tell the Librarian
3. Just copy the syymbols
4. Register at creativecommons http://creativecommons.org/choose/?lang=en
Right answer is nuber 4

  1. Prepare and publish a blog post containing two multiple choice questions based on a copyright situation (i.e. a mini scenario). You may use the same copyright situation sketch for both MCQs. In your blog post you should:
    • State the context including the country and intended audience for the MCQs.
    • Describe the copyright situation (no more than 200 words) where possible including links to web sites illustrating the real artefacts referenced in your copyright example without breach of your own copyright act.
    • Develop two MCQs based on the mini copyright situation you describe. Your MCQs must:
      • Specify the correct answer for example: ANSWER: <text for correct answer alternative>
      • Specify the distractors, for example: DISTRACTOR: <text for incorrect alternative>
      • Provide formative feedback for all alternatives, that is feedback for correct and incorrect answers. You must specify the reasons why and option is correct or incorrect.
  2. Visit and read the blog posts from fellow students for this Activity and provide feedback by commenting two student posts.
  3. Pay your learning forward. Where possible, please consider using a Creative Commons Attribution or Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealikelicense for your blog posts. This would enable us to reuse the questions you develop to provide more case study examples for future OCL4Ed students. (In the absence of clearly licensing your post with these licenses, we will not be able to legally use your contibutions for future courses.)
  4. Important: Log in to the course site and register your blog post which is required for tracking minimum participation metrics and peer evaluation.

Monday, July 7, 2014

OCL4Ed, task 3 on Copyright

One of the task for OCL4Ed (task3) is about to reflect on copyright

Lawrence Lessig (2004) argues in his book Free Culture. How big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity that the default "© copyright all rights reserved" (applicable in most countries) contradicts the original purpose of copyright: to promote progress in science and the useful arts - a public good.The purpose is not to enrich publishers or authors, or to grant them undue influence on development and distribution of culture. So where does the common understanding of copyright as to be proteced for others to use and build further on come from. As Lessig argues:
...copyright was never intended to be primarily a vehicle for protecting the rights of the copyright holders. On the contrary, copyright was initiated specifically to promote learning by removing the perpetual rights of the copyright controllers transferring the rights to the authors and imposing a reasonable time limit on their privilege.

McGreal (2004) says that:

...copyright law was expressly introduced to limit the rights of the controllers and distributors of knowledge. Yet, these controllers are successfully turning a “copy” right into a property right. The traditional rights of learning institutions are being taken away. The balance for researchers should be restored. Research and learning must be allowed the broad interpretation that was intended in the original laws.

At an international level concerning copyright it is important to get an understanding of for example the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) and the Berne Convention

The law gives artists, authors, composers or other creative persons the right to decide how their literary or artistic works are to be used. Compositions in speech or in writing, computer programmes, databases, musical and stage works, works of pictorial art, architectural art, applied art - as well as all types of spiritual creation of a literary or artistic work - are protected by copyright law. Some issues on copyright for ceative work has to be followed:
  • Copyright is used to protect creative works
  • The form anr style of the exxpression is protected
  • Copyright requires often an expression in  a particular form
  • The work need to be original
  • No formalities are required
The task was also to reflect on copyright and CC in ones own country. Questions to be reflected on are:
  • Who owns the copyright of the teaching materials you create?
  • How do feel about the ownership of your creative works?
  • Is it right for institutions to claim ownership of education materials?

In my country, Sweden, we have signed the Berne convention. At universities we follow the copyright law, however it is often like that, that we apply teh sk "lärarundantaget", which means that the academics owns its own material which they have created. The law in breif as below (in Swedish):

Undantag från regeln att en arbetsgivare äger ensamrätten till ett verk eller en uppfinning som en anställd skapat som en del i sitt arbete.
Det finns två skilda undantag som båda benämns "Lärarundantaget": Dels ett lagreglerat som rör patenträtt till uppfinningar, dels ett undantag som växt fram i praxis rörande upphovsrätt till verk.

Patent på uppfinningar

Enligt Lag (1949:345) om rätten till arbetstagares uppfinningar (LAU) så har som huvudregel en arbetstagare patenträtt till de uppfinningar som en anställd skapar. Det finns dock ett undantag för "lärare vid universitet, högskolor eller andra inrättningar som tillhör undervisningväsendet" (1 § 2 st LAU).

Upphovsrätt till verk

Huvudregeln inom upphovsrätt är att den som skapar ett verk har upphovsrätten till det. För verk som skapats inom ramen för ett anställningsförhållande har dock en princip vuxit fram, enligt vilken arbetsgivaren får upphovsrätt till den anställdes verk, om sambandet mellan verket och anställningen är tillräckligt starkt.
För anställda lärare finns dock ett undantag från denna princip, som ibland omnämns som det upphovsrättsliga lärarundantaget. Enligt detta tillfaller upphovsrätten lärarna själva, i enlighet med huvudregeln inom upphovsrätt (det är dock oklart vad som gäller för datorprogram, jfr 40 a § URL). Detta undantag är baserat på sedvänja, som kan skilja sig mellan olika universitet och högskolor.

Vidare läsning

However, it is more and more discussed at Universities to apply CC, and at least discuss with the originator of the material.

Discussing Copyright it is crucial to consider that copyright provides protections for a number of exclusive rights for the copyright holder, like:
  • Economic rights relating to the rights to restrict reproduction, distribution and adaptations of the work
  • Moral rights relating to interests which are not financial or monetary
  • Related rights to protect persons other than the authors who are involved in the dissemination of copyrighted works
  • Transfer of rights relating to assignment of rights, licensing and transfer of rights
Copyright aims to balance the exclusive rights of authors with the general interests of society regarding access to knowledge and information. Furthermore, it is important to consider that copyright means:

  • Freedom of expression
  • Access to knowledge for the benefit of the public
  • Private or personal use
Creative Commons builds on copyright and its meanings. What is important to remember about CC is that it is easier to apply and to understand what one can do or can´t do, as it is cleared expressed by the originator her/or himself. So it is clear from the beginning both from the originator and for the user.

McGreal, R. (2004). Stealing the goose: Copyright and learningInternational Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 5(3). Retrieved on 30 December 2010.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Reflections from the EDEN Annual Conference 2014

EDEN, The European Distance and E-learning Network höll sin årliga konferens i Zagreb i Kroatien den 10-13 juli 2014. Årets tema var e-lärande på arbetsplatsen och hur informations – och kommunikationsteknologi (IKT) kan bidra till att föra samman utbildning och arbete. EDEN  är den ledande Europeiska organisationen inom området distansutbildning, e-lärande och online/flexibelt lärande. Konferensen samlade nästan 400 deltagare från alla kontinenter, även om merparten av deltagarna var från Europa.

Konferensen öppnades av Kroatiens President Ivo Josipović, som bl.a. gav uttryck för att aldrig någonsin har Europas ungdomar varit så välutbildade, men ändå haft så stora svårigheter att få och behålla ett jobb. Runt detta tema argumenterade han vidare för vilka uppenbara problem Europa står inför, men han angav också eventuella förslag till lösningar som Europa måste ta ställning till. Förslagen handlade t.ex. om behovet av verksamhetsförlagd utbildning, e-lärande, mobilt innovativt och smart lärande. Han konstaterade också att utbildning måste organiseras utifrån ett livslångt lärande perspektiv, och vara en del i livet och vardagen för alla.

Under konferensens välkomstceremoni utdelades tre EDEN Fellowships. EDEN Fellows är en utmärkelse för att erkänna personer som under lång tid utmärkt sig inom utvecklingen och professionella praxis inom distansutbildning, e-lärande, online och flexibelt lärande i Europa och för deras värdefulla och omfattande insatser och stöd för utvecklingen av EDEN. Årets EDEN Fellows är (2014):
·         Sandra Kucina, University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre - SRCE, Kroatien
·         Ebba Ossiannilsson, Lunds universitet, Sverige
·         Marci Powell, Polycom, Amerika

Varje år under konferensen utdelas också erkännande för bästa forskningsartikel, vilket Corrado Petrucco, University of Paduo, Italien erhöll. Titeln på artikeln är: Digital Storytelling as a reflective Practice Tool in a Community of Professionals.

The EDEN NAP (Network of Academics and Professionals) hade sitt konstituerande möte och en ny mandatperiod (tre år) startar. Ordförande är Steve Wheeler och den nya EDEN NAP styrelsen är:
·         Helga Dorner, Central European University, Hungary (andra perioden)
·         Don Olcott, University Maryland University College, USA
·         Ebba Ossiannilsson, Lund University, Sweden (andra perioden)
·         Antonella Poce, University of Roma III, Italy (andra perioden)
·         Alfredo Soeiro, University of Porto, Portugal
·         Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, UK (Chair) (andra perioden)

Varje tredje vecka kommer EDEN NAP att hålla chat tweets, där aktuella debattämnen kommer att diskuteras under #edenchat.

Konferensen är väl dokumenterad och länkarna nedan ger fylligare information. Konferensen synliggjordes och diskuterades flitigt i sociala medier. På samlingssidan  Eventifier finns bilder, Twitter, Facebook och Bloggar. Sharon Slade bloggade t.ex. intensivt från EDEN konferensen.
Hela programmen kan laddas ner här
Alla presentationer från konferensens huvudtalare kan du läsa här
Konferensproceedings kan du läsa här

Konferensens huvudpresentationer och huvudtalare var:
E-learning and Employability Shift Focus on Learning (Again).
Blazenka Divjak, Vice Rector for Students and Studies at the University of Zagreb, Croatia

Digital Education & Lifelong Learning
Jeff Haywood, Vice-principal, Knowledge Management at University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Smarter Training for Smart Manufacturing Towards the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Fabrizio Cardinali, SVP Global Business Development at sedApta Group in Italy

Interesting Work and Open Education
Alan Tait, Director of International Development and Teacher Education at The Open University, UK

Filling the Gap: e-Skills for Jobs
Andre Richier European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, Brussels, Belgium

Challenging the Paradox of Progress: Agile Responses to Ireland's Jobs Crisis
Jim Devine Principal at Devine: Policy, Projects, Innovation in Ireland

Online and distance education towards a research agenda
Terry Anderson, Director of Canadian Institute Distance Education Research (CIDER), Athabasca University, Canada  och Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Professor of Educational Technology at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg,  Germany

Under konferensen argumenterade huvudtalarna för några av de stora utmaningarna vi i Europa har att tackla som t.ex. den förändrade demografin, ökad digitalisering samt ökad grad av individualisering.  Vidare konstaterades att Afrika och Asien expanderar stark vad gäller innovativt smart digitalt lärande. och e-ledarskap, därför måste också Europa utvecklas för att möta den ökande konkurrensen. Detta har tidigare även hävdats av Europa Kommissionen genom deras initiativ för att främja innovation och digital kompetens inom utbildningen. Vidare hävdades att det behövs nya förmågor och färdigheter för jobb vi inte ens idag vet att de existerar. Så frågan är då vad som krävs av högre utbildning och andra utbildningsorganisatörer. Det sades att det behövs inte mer av det som redan görs inom utbildning, utan snarare mer av nytänkande, kortare kurser, mer arbetsplatsförlagd utbildning, mer utbildning i samarbete med arbetsgivare, mer för den enskilde med hänsyn till intressanta utbildningsmöjligheter, innehåll och flexibla vägar. Lärande är rhizomatiskt, d.v.s. den enskilde finner sina vägar för lärande utifrån behov, intresse och situationer, det ifrågasattes då varför utbildning vanligtvis är linjärt orienterat. Potentialen av öppna utbildningsmiljöer måste därför tillvaratas, utveckals och förädlas. Forskning visar att konsekvenserna av arbetslöshet är förödande, det leder inte enbart till förlorad inkomst men också t.ex. till dålig hälsa, depression, orolighet och dåligt självförtroende och självtillfredsställelse.   Möjlighet till arbete har inte bara påverkan på produktion och innovation men också vad gäller lycka och välbefinnande för den enskilde och därmed också för arbetsplatsens välmående och utvecklingsmöjligheter.
Det argumentarades vidare för att det inte bara måste erbjudas fler arbetsmöjligheter, utan också om på vilket sätt arbetet är organiserat och vilken grad av delaktighet, utbildning, fortbildning och intresse på och i arbetet som erbjuds. Europa måste få en hållbarhet avseende arbetsmöjligheter i en växande världsekonomi, men även omvänt krävs andra förmågor och kunskaper för arbete i en världsekonomi, med ökad konkurrens i samarbete. Den vision som behöver konkretiseras för 20 århundradet är att individen måste ses som subjekt och vad den enskilde kan uträtta på arbetetsplatsen generellt, och inte enbart arbetsuppgiften som sådan. Likaså måste den digitala världens konsekvenser utforskas och vad det innebär för arbetet och för den enskilde individen (e-skills 4job). Vi går från arbeten som bygger på bokkonstens paradigm till mobila fri zoner (från Gutehnburg till WiFi).
Huvudtalarna talade var och en utifrån sitt perspektiv om att vi har ett nytt utbildningslandskap att förhålla oss till, nämligen från distansutbildning och e-lärande till öppen utbildning, med allt vad det för med sig som skalbarhet och flexibilitet, från formellt till informellt lärande, från paradigmet med långa utbildningsvägar till korta kurser, inkluderande fritt och gratis för alla, situationsanpassat lärande (situated learning), öppna innovativa utbildningslandskap, värdegrundsledande arbete och arbetsförhållande, att inte se arbete som en handelsvara utan mer som en social delaktighet,. Det öppna utbildningslandskapet medför radikala disruptiva potentialer. Lärande måste ses som en del i livet som pågår kontinuerligt i vardagen och inte genom avbrott för att gå någon kurs eller utbildning.  Det måste finnas en vision för intressanta arbeten med möjlighet till stor individuell påverkansmöjlighet. Arbete måste vara fängslande, motiverande och med högsta kvalitet med möjlighet till individuell och kollegial utveckling samt kunna anpassas för mobilt lärand, då människor idag är rörliga på ett sätt som aldrig tidigare.
Så vad kan göras; det krävs i hög utsträckning nationella och därmed politiska ställningstagande. Likaledes krävs att chefer på alla nivåer, inte minst s.k. mellanchefer inser betydelsen och konsekvenserna av ett öppet och fritt utbildningslandskap i starkt samarbete med närings-och arbetsliv. Uppmaningar uttrycktes i form av ökad samverkan med arbetsliv, fackföreningar och regeringar, då det krävs utbildningsinnovationer för att stoppa den generella krisen i Europa.
Slutligen kan konstateras att smart lärande för smart näringsliv kräver att vi tar den digitala disruptionen på allvar och tar vara på den digitala marknadsplatsens potentialer. Ett av konferensens budskap var att var och en av oss kan göra skillnad. Våra visioner och handlingar i förhållande till öppna utbildningskulturer och vad det kan innebära kan bidra till förändringar och kan därmed göra skillnad!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Why openness matters in education OCL4Ed June2014

The tasks for part 2 in the OCL4Ed June 2014 are about to:
  • Consider why openness matters in education
  • Reflect and share the reasons why we teach
  • Establish and share what we consider fair and reasonable practice with regards to sharing of teaching materials
  • ...and to reflect on lessons learned

To start with  talking about openness and why it matters, Iwill like to start with a citation by Lawrence Lessig...A time is marked not so much by ideas that are argued about as by ideas that are taken for granted. The character of an era hangs upon what needs no defense.

—Lawrence Lessig[1]

It is a human right for everyone to have access to education.  UNESCO considers this essential to exercising the other human rights.[2]  The use of Creative Commons (cc) is contributing to the inevitable outcome  today and in the future where open education will be taken for granted by all education institutions.Sadly, today many education institutions restrict access to learning by locking content behind all rights reserved copyright. In today's world where the cost of replicating digital information is near zero combined with the affordance that the cost of developing high quality courses collaboratively using open educational resources is far cheaper than doing this alone, we have unprecedented opportunities to promote the sustainability of education futures for all.Some argues that they are for CC, but they lock the material in a Learning Management System (LMS), and without thinking that the material is not open any longer. And, also their are  like 50 shades of openness. Some argues, including myself that real openness is with CC BY and BY SA.

Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Onlline Courses (MOOCs) have opened people's eyes to the future role of online learning in all educational sectors. CC, OERs and MOOCs is god enough by it selves, but they are also seen as catalysts for open up education, and they have given new blood, or new meaning and they has pushed a discussion of online learning on to the agendas even on top management, and mid management. It is also often argued that with increased openness, with CC, OERs and MOOCs quality will increase. When learners can use any course or material from anywhere, anytime with any device and learn from anyone both collaboration and competition will increase, and peer review, self-assessment develops. Institutions can improve their online courses, but Campus courses can also benefit  from the open movement. Incentives and strategies for open education are discussed today in new terms, very much through the hype in 2012 with the MOOCs.

So if education shall be available for everyone, everywhere at any time, with any device and from anyone, openness must be like default. Democracy, health, wellness, human rights will thus be developed and increased.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Open content licensing for educators OCL4Ed

Open content licensing for educators

The course OCL4Ed #OCL4Ed is a free online course on open content licensing for educators is  a course where we all can learn about the concepts of open educational resources, copyright and Creative Commons open licenses to achieve more sustainable education for all.

The very first task is about to reflect on our experience of  e-Learning activities on creating a blog, and to get to know each other, and to use the online course environment (see how).
Our  reflections could cover for example:
  • Introduction of ourselves and reflections on what we would like to achieve by maintaining a blog to support our learning
  • Reflections on the activity as such? Was it easy or hard?
  • Share links to any additional resources we found useful in completing the tasks.
  • Provide tips for future learners who will be completing this activity. If we were to set up a new blog again, what would we do differently?
  • Add anything our readers may find interesting or useful

Hi everyone, I am Ebbba Ossiannilsson fr.o.m. Lund University in Sweden. I am very much looking forward to the OCL4Ed course. I attended this course when it first started some years agao. And now for the third time I am facilitator in the course as well as taking part to learn and to share with all of you.

I am working at national and international level on Open Educational Resources (OER);  Open Educational Practice (OEP), Creative Commons (CC), and MOOCs as well as on e-learning and especially on quality issues.
I earned my PhD 2012 from Oulu University in Finland and my Dissertation was about Benchmarking e-learning in higher education. Lessons learned from international projects 

I am a board member in several national and international Associations on elearning, MOOCs, and OERs, Associations like EFQUEL, EDEN, LANETO, EADTU, SVERD (I am V President in SVERD the Swedish Association of Distance Education). I use to serve as a quality reviewer for certification on quality in e-learning with EFQUEL (UNIQUe and ECB check).

At the latest EDEN Annual Conference 10-13 June 2014 in Zagreb, Croatia,  I was awarded the EDEN Fellow 2014.

I have done several MOOCs (some 30 in number) before.  I also use to be a facilitator in MOOCs. My main concerns are quality issues and I use to be a consultant on those issues.

I am very curious to take part in this I think  5th time  at the OCL4Ed

#OCL4Ed #EbbaOssian

Would like to share a link to the Norwefgien MOOC Investigation, from the Government on MOOCs to Norway. I will share the link because I believe it will have consequenses in the Nordic countries

Concerning writing Blogpost I do that quite frequently. I will use my current Blog for this course as well. I took part as a bloger in the Spring Blog Festival  an online course on WizIQ with Dr Nellie Dutsch.
But if I should create a  new blog, I will have done it somewaht different, maybe more structured and more ineractive.
Will see if I can do something to update this one