Lund University will be the first university in Sweden, going open...
education through the web, without any special pre-qualifications, open
for anyone around the globe who want to learn something. This can be
true for Lund Univesity, Sweden. Just before Christmas 12/12/12 the
Educational Board through the Pro-Vice Chancellor at Lund University gave the commision
to Ebba Ossiannilsson, PhD to investigate how it can be possible.
MOOCs and OERs should be developed and launched on broader scale. The entire e-learning strategies and implementations will at Lund University will also be investigated.
Ebba Ossiannilsson, PhD, Lund University will invstigate how Lund University can go open and offer MOOCs
Lund University will be the first university in Sweden, going open. Free education through the web, without any special pre-qualifications, open for anyone around the globe. This can be true for Lund Univesity, SE. Just before Chrsitmas 12/12/12 the Educational board through the Pro-Vice Chancellor gave the commision to Ebba Ossiannilsson, PhD to investigate how it can be possible.
In the monthly letter 17/12/2012 from the Vice-Chancellor it was said: (in Swedish)
"Gratis utbildning på nätet. Open access inom högre utbildning – det vill säga att erbjuda gratis universitetskurser online – kommer starkt. Lunds universitet ingår i en grupp framstående forskningsuniversitet inom nätverket LERU som under 2013 ska inventera möjligheterna att erbjuda sådan utbildning. Förutom Lund är universiteten i Oxford, Edinburgh, Amsterdam och Leiden med i arbetsgruppen. Edinburgh, Amsterdam och Leiden ger redan gratiskurser online och vi ser fram emot att lära av deras erfarenheter. Ebba Ossiannilsson, CED, har fått Utbildningsnämndens uppdrag att utreda såväl vårt eget arbete inom e-lärande som förutsättningarna för en open access-satsning från LU:s sida."
On the 19th December there was an article in one of the largest newspapers Sysvenska Dagbladet "Lund vill utbilda hela världen
Gratis utbildning via webben, utan behörighetskrav, öppen för vem som helst. Det kan bli verklighet vid Lunds universitet" (in Swedish).
Together with other LERU universities Lund University will investigate
the possibilities to go open. Edinburgh, Amsterdam and Leiden are already
in Coursera. In March 2013, the LERU group will come together and consolidate their intentions going open.
Lund University is member of LERU, the League of European Research Universities (LERU) is an association of twenty-one leading research-intensive universities
that share the values of high-quality teaching within an environment of
internationally competitive research. Founded in 2002, LERU advocates
education through an awareness of the frontiers of human understanding;
the creation of new knowledge through basic research, which is the
ultimate source of innovation in society; and the promotion of research
across a broad front in partnership with industry and society at large. The purpose of the League is to advocate these values, to influence
policy in Europe and to develop best practice through mutual exchange of
experience. LERU regularly publishes a variety of papers and reports
which make high-level policy statements, provide in-depth analyses and
make concrete recommendations for policymakers, universities,
researchers and other stakeholders.
So what is a MOOC? What’s the history of MOOCs? How are they growing?
What are some significant events in the world of MOOCs? Edudemic gives a wonderful quick guide to the history of moocs posted by J Dunn 24th December 2012. This infographic
originallly from NerdWallet spells it all out. Since the first MOOC was launced in 2008, this phenomenon has been spreading amongst
very well accredited universities and colleges. The movement has grown rapidly with over
100 courses already scheduled for 2013.
As late as 14/12/2012 we learned that Futurelearn was launched. Eleven top UK universities are joining the Open University to launch free internet courses, in a bid to catch up with the elite US institutions that have led the way online.
College London, along with the Universities of Birmingham, Bristol,
Cardiff, East Anglia, Exeter, Lancaster, Leeds, Southampton, St Andrews
and Warwick have partnered with FutureLearn, a company set up by the
Open University that will offer free, non-credit bearing courses to
internet-users around the world.
The trend is global and the open movement for learning and edcuation is here to stay. Year 2012 was really the year of the MOOCs. We just have to face what 2013 will bring to us and how we can be part of the open educational movement open for all.
Caring is sharing, sharing is caring
Global trend (short summary in Swedish, and from SDS19/12/2012)
2011: Stanford University i USA ger en gratis webbaserad kurs i artificiell intelligens. Gensvaret blir enormt. 160 000 studenter från 190 länder anmäler sig.2011–2012: Fler lärosäten går samma väg, bland andra amerikanska MIT, Harvard och Berkeley. Oftast får studenterna inga akademiska poäng, vill de ha det får de betala.
2012: I förra veckan lanserade flera brittiska universitet The Futurelearn genom Open University som ger gratis, öppna onlinekurser.
2013: Nästa år utfärdar EU ett program om öppen utbildning. Unesco, Commonwealth of Learning, OECD och EU driver redan frågan. Det politiska budskapet är att det som finansieras av offentliga medel ska gå tillbaka till medborgarna.
I mars ska Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS) diskuteras på Leru, ett nätverk för prestigeuniversitet i Europa, där Lunds universitet ingår.
Lunds universitet ger idag juridisk grundkurs som onlinekurs. Alla som söker kommer in, men slutprovet måste göras på plats i Lund eller Stockholm. De tjugo bästa erbjuds plats på juristprogrammet.
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