The 8th of June 2012 I followed the very intersting keynote at the annual
EDEN conference in Porto, where
Dale Stephens had a keynote speach. He sterted his speach by saying that "I have come from the US to Europe, and I can almost be the son of yours, and I am sure you are thinking what can he tell us?"
He contnuned to say that he is just in the middle of editing his book on Hacking education aiming to give students the
knowledge to break out from a broken system, and develop the
awareness to make decisions for themselves. His book also serves as a
point of discussion: the educational system needs reform and rethinking at every level and almost everything,. He hopes his book will bring that topic to the mainstream—that’s what UnCollege is
about, that’s what his mission is, and he hope to expand on that with
Hacking Your Education. The Hackademic Camp give students the knowledge to break out from a broken system, and develop the awareness to make decisions for themselve
Dale Stephens stress that living in a democratic society we can´t live with in a hierachical education system, which is the case today.We have to consider the 7 Steps to Learning Efficiently and Effectively. We all struggle to focus, and now more than ever: it’s easy to spend
hours switching between Reddit, Facebook, and StumbleUpon that we forget
we have dreams we are pursuing. I thought I’d share seven tricks I
use to focus, learn, and get things done.
1. Turn off the Internet
This one is pretty simple: When you don’t need the Internet for work,
just turn it off. I
know how tempting it is to constantly check email and Facebook and
watch TED talks. I have set times when I don’t use the Internet. It’s
not allowed. There’s a great program called
that allows you to block your server from going tospecific sights until
time runs out. You can also block the Internet entirely for a set time
with SelfControl.
Focus Booster(also
free) is another great program that sets a timer to break work into
25-minute cycles with a 5-minute break in between each.
2. Gaps are good things
Learning at all levels—whether learning on a job, studying for a
test, or teaching yourself something new—is often condensed into short
time segments. The issue is that this form of condensed learning does
not lead to long-term retention. Research shows that if you distribute
the study of a subject over a period of time, you are more
likely to retain the information. Between first learning something,
practicing it, and then applying it, you should have equal gaps. Here
are some ways you can apply this:
1. If you have to present material two weeks from now, it is
best tolearn it today, and then practice presenting it in one week. When
you present the material, you’ll be more likely to remember everything
than if you had crammed it in the last few days before the presentation.
2. If you want to retain material over a long period of time, practice it at regular intervals or else you will forget.
3. Set deadlines for when you want to learn things by, so that you can put this principle to use.
3. Quiz yourself with open-ended questions
When learning material, most of us study by rereading it. However,
research has shown that testing yourself with open-ended questions helps
retain information over longer periods of time. Here are a few easy
ways to put this into practice:
1. Make flashcards with keywords and write down everything you
remember about the subject. Don’t use your notes; just write down what
you remember about each keyword off the top of your head.
2. Have a friend read the keyword, and verbally explain to her the substance of it.
3. Make mock-tests with short-answer questions, if possible, with friends, and then give feedback to each other.
This may seem only applicable to students, but think about it in
terms of giving a presentation: sitting down and writing out
responses toquestions you might be asked is a much better way of
solidifying this material than just rehearsing your speech.
4. Figure out how your prefer to learn
There are four typical learning preferences: visual, aural,
read/write, and kinesthetic. If you determine how you learn, you will
enjoy learning more, and find material more engaging by pursuing it in
your preferred way. These are only preferences, and they do not limit
you from learning in other ways. However it is easier to engage in your
self-directed education if you’re able to understand how you
prefer to learn. Check out the
“Learn How You Learn”test at
5. Manage your time effectively
I manage my time by breaking it into chunks. I am usually up at
6:00am every morning, and until 12:00pm, I work. I rarely take calls
before noon, and I use this time to work on the most important things I
have to get done. After noon I can answer plenty of emails, meet people
for coffee, or talk over the phone all I want, but before noon I work.
Also, by waking up so early, I’m able to get the majority of my work
done before most people go to lunch.
The other important thing I do is use a calendar.
Everything—including my morning work routine—goes in my calendar. That
way, whenever I’m off track, it is easy to see that, oh, right now I am
supposed to beworking on X, or learning Y. The combination of a task
manager (I use Things or
Asana) and a calendar, when
actually used, is the only way I’m able to accomplish my goals.
6. Get an accountability buddy
Getting an accountability buddy will, simply, keep you accountable.
Can you think of promises you made to yourself but didn’t keep? That’s
where an accountability buddy comes into play: when you share your goals
with somebody, you are more likely to accomplish them. To find one,
email a friend you trust to keep you accountable, and ask if he or she
would like to exchange weekly goals with you (and keep asking people
until you find someone). You can be persuasive by letting them know this
will not be time-consuming, and they will benefit from it as well. Once
a week, email your friend five to ten goals you will accomplish this
week. On the same day, meet with your friend or have a phone
conversation to share what you did and did not accomplish in the
previous week. This is a good way to get feedback, help each other set
goals, and share progress. And if you didn’t accomplish one of your
goals, it goes back on the list. As a sample list, here are Marlon’s
personal goals for this week:
1. Finish building a personal website
2. Run for 20 minutes everyday
3. Write a 5-page short story
4. Read two books
5. Spend an hour every day learning Spanish
7. Maintain good sleep hygiene
I know the temptation to go and go and go—not stopping to break,
sleep, or eat. There are too many pages to write, there are too many
emails to respond to, there is an unending amount of work that
needs toget done, and just how can I afford to take a break when all of
this work remains unfinished? But the reality is when you sleep, your
work is of a higher quality. I am more focused for the time I actually
spend working. Especially us young doers, we need the sleep. Science is
constantly showing us how important it is to get enough sleep: it
increases focus, memory retention, heals your body, and has countless
other benefits (such as not looking like a zombie when giving a talk).
It’s easy to keep going and burn the midnight oil, but building a
healthy sleep habit—waking up at the same time every morning,
getting to bed early enoughto get a full night’s sleep, and taking naps
when you haven’t slept enough—will increase the quality of your work, no
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