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Sunday, October 9, 2016

EDEN RW9in Oldenburg, Germany 4-6 October 2016Y´tThe

The 9th EDEN Research Worship took place in Oldenburg, Germany. It ws the second time in Oldenburg, the first one was twelve years ago, in 2004. In the welcoming speak by Airina Volungevičienė the newelected  EDEN President, she reminded us what had happened since 2004, but also what will happened in the next coming 12 years, and she went through all titles for the EDEN 

All keynotes can be reviewed at the EDEN You Tube Channel

The Conference took place at Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany

From my perspective I found the presentation by Isa Jahnke very inspiring, and she brought some new perspectives on cross action action learning spaces, which is close to the discussion I blogged about concerning  innovative learning spaces.
Isa Jahnke on  cross learning spaces: 
From interaction to crossaction... Under the premise that the digital world is a new form of multiply-emerging communication spaces, with many different layers, the book argues that human action in such a networked world is not only grounded in interactions, but rather on multiple crossactions within and across such communication spaces --- cross-action-spaces (Chapter 1).
Isa Jahnke (2015).
Digital Didactical Designs - Teaching and Learning in CrossActionSpaces.New York & London: Routledge

The full program can be found at the conference webpage

My reflections from the Annual Innovative Learning Space Summit, Prague, Czech RepublicAnnual Innovative Learning Space Summit, Prague , Czech Republic,

“The classroom environment can work for us or against us, which is why it is first, last, and always among pedagogical concerns” –John Carrol

In late September the 22-23, 2016 the Annual Innovative Learning Space Summit, by LUXATIA International, took place in wonderful Prague  Czech Republic. 

The venue was the fantastic Grand Hotel Bohemia
Prague , Czech Republic.  It is the  real pride of their Prague hotel and the conference hall is in Neo-Baroque architectural style with a characteristic name Boccaccio.  

The Annual Innovative Learning Spaces summit  delved into the challenges that higher education institutions are facing. The summit provided an excellent platform for deeper understanding of the link between pedagogical practices and learning space designs. Innovative learning environments can support each institution’s mission of enabling student learning. Hearing the inspirational presentations, prepared by the expert-speakers, offered participants new ideas and viewpoints on further development of the existing learning spaces and future projects. Besides the individual presentations, this summit is meant to provide an active networking platform for the participants, which will help them with reviewing their strategies and creating solid future plans. The summit  provided an inspiring environment for further discussions about the importance of learning space design, and it will offer new tools for evaluating current designs. Networking breaks gave the possibility for the industry leaders to gather together and discuss about the future developments and the potential behind new ideas.

The summit brought together architects, academics, learning designers, learning spaces designer, ICT specialists, and even others, so it was a mic audience. Due to the diverse audience a lot of fruitful discussions came up in the light.

I had the great honor  and opportunity myself to be the key note speaker and also to chair the two days Summit and its discussion. My own presentation was on 
Current global trends: Challenges ahead for quality  assurance in the field of open online learning and e-learning. See the presentation from SlideShare

The full program and the speakers can be seen here

We had so much to discuss so we created a special Facebook group on Innovative Learning Spaces please join if you want to be updated and to tune in.

It was said during the summit that the environment do something with or for us, but that we also can shape the environment to dos something for us. David Hopkins have written a nice blog on  Learning Spaces, and ask the question are we doing enough