Welcome to my blog on Quality, elearning, OER, OEP, OEC, and user generated content (UGC)

The posts in my blog will be both in English and Swedish.
Blogposterna kommer att vara både på svenska och engelska.

Monday, January 18, 2016

e4qualityinnovationandlearning: CO16 You and your Professional Network 5th Februar...

e4qualityinnovationandlearning: CO16 You and your Professional Network 5th Februar...: Upcoming event I will present on the 5th February 2016 CO16: 7th Annual 3-Day Online Conference About Connecting...

CO16 You and your Professional Network 5th February 2016

Upcoming event

Bildresultat för co16 nellie deutsch
I will present on the 5th February 2016
CO16: 7th Annual 3-Day Online Conference
About Connecting Online for Instruction and Learning
Join the 7th annual connecting online (CO09-CO16) on February 5-7 on WizIQ Live Class.

You are cordially invited to join the live online conference on the weekend of Feb 5-7, 2016. Each presentation will be for 45 min with 10 min for questions and answers. Please enroll in CO16 conference area.


Hosts Dr Nellie Dutsch and Tom Hodges

My session will focus on:

How to build and how to maintain Professional Networks online


Work in progress with my presentation and my blogpsot bout it, in the meanwhile check my Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook

Ebba Ossiannilsson at Twitter

Ebba Ossiannilsson at LinkedIn

 Ebba Ossiannilsson at Facebook