Welcome to my blog on Quality, elearning, OER, OEP, OEC, and user generated content (UGC)

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012


The international quality label for elearning courseware

Self-paced eLearning products and services are mainly based on courseware. Already now, the worldwide market reached $32.1 billion - with a five-year compound annual growth rate of 9.2% according to Ambient Insight!
In short: There is already a huge provision of eLearning courseware out there, and every day different kind of new material like Web Based Training (WBT), Computer Based Training (CBT), Game Based Learning (GBL), Videos, Open Educational Resources (OER), Mobile Learning Apps etc. are added. For the learner it becomes very difficult to distinguish what is of good quality and worth buying.
epprobate (from the Latin 'approbare', to approve) is the first international quality label for eLearning courseware. This quality label is an initiative of three organisations: The Learning Agency Network (LANETO), the Agence Wallonne des Télécommunication (AWT) and the e-Learning Quality Service Center (eLQSC). We are currently represented in around  30 countries.

Quality is becoming more and more important for individuals, and the market is growing very fast. The hard issues today is not to find information and resources, the hard issues are about quality, trust, confidence and to see and learn what´s in it for me.

I am now a Certified Head Reviewer at epprobate and  a national expert on quality for elearning courseware.

Ebba Ossiannilsson, Lund University, Sweden


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