Welcome to my blog on Quality, elearning, OER, OEP, OEC, and user generated content (UGC)

The posts in my blog will be both in English and Swedish.
Blogposterna kommer att vara både på svenska och engelska.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Why keep back learners to learn. Re: the OECD report 2015

The OECD report has frequently been discussed in media, and also in social media the last couple of days. I myself wrote about it in my blog from the 29th of September.The OECD report, Students, Computers and Learning. Making the Connection briefly shows that the introduction of digital tools in schools has not had the desired or expected effect on children's learning. It is then of course tempting to blame the tools, they destroy learning. The report says among other things: student who use tablets and computers very often tend to do worse than them who more moderately use computes. The problem is not how much students sit with computers or how little, but what they actually do when they are online. How is teaching structured, what activities do they use these digital tools to? The mainpoint is that  this is the intereting discussion and it is here that the whole problem lies. How do we use the potentials of digitalisation and the increased technology, it is not just about the devices as such, but how it is used.

OECD believes are that educational institutions generally have not cracked the code for how current technology can best be utilized in the classroom. Technology of the 21st century, is often unfortuntly placed in educational practice from the 20th century.

 I would argue even stronger. Teacher lack of digital skills,  includes both attitudes and skills mean that our children are not getting the education that is expected of them in the 21st century. We have for too long time been afraid to say this out loud, We can no longer accept this. This report from OECD shows explicit the role of the teachers and their digital scolarship, it is obvious by this report,but also research in the area shows ths very explicit and clear.Teachers unfortunatly lack this expertise. I know from my own experience and numerous reports confirm this. Now this must come to an end!

Sir Ken Robinson explain it like how dowe prepare students/learners for jobs that dont even  exist yet? Look at his short YouTube, it is very clear, about the way forward:

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Open Education Europa Portal Anniversary October 2015

Bildresultat för open education europa

The 1st of October 2015 Open Education Europa celebrated its 2 years anniversary. 

A lot of activities were taken placeduring the anniversary.The day before a TweetChat was held and moderated by Ass Professor Steve Wheeler, Plymouth University, UK. The Tweetchat can be followed in Storyfy on the link as below.

Open Education Europa Fellows 2015, like myself, had been asked to send greetings to Open Education Europa Portal, so here is my introduction and my greetings at YouTube.

Dr. Ossiannilsson works in national and international associations in the area of open online learning and education and serves as board member or on consultancy. Just to mention some: EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities),ExcellenceOpenupEd (MOOCs), EPPROBATE,  EDEN (European Distance and e-Learning Network), EFQUEL (European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning), EUCEN(European Universities Continuing Education Network), SADE/SVERD (Swedish Association of Distance Education) and Campus NOOA (Norway)

I have a passion about developing and contributing to open education for a Future We Want for All, like UNESCO stated at their Policy Forum in Paris 2015.

See also my profile at Open Education Europa

 Open Education Europa Teachers Contest was launched during the anniversary aiming at collecting and sharing innovative teaching practices taken place in Europe.

The contest aims at European teachers and educators in primary, secondary and higher education, vocational training and adult learning who teach in an innovative way or aim to achieve greater openness or inclusion in the classroom.

To participate in the contest, please submit electronically a Good Practice you were personally involved in. We define “Good Practice” in education as an action, initiative or experience that enhances learning and combines one or more of the following principles:
  • Innovation; the application of a novel approach, method or resource to improve teaching or learning.
  • Openness; the use or production of resources that are shared freely; the opening up of the classroom with open educational practices.
  • Inclusion; providing access to education or training to a previously excluded group or audience.
For the contest we will also consider the Replicability of the practice; whether it is easy for colleagues in other countries to apply and adapt the practice.

Everyone taking part in the OEE Teachers Contest will receive the “Open Education Europa Pioneer” badge and have a chance to win a trip to an innovative school in Europe.

We invite innovators from all all disciplines, fields and levels of education who use successfully various approaches and resources to share their good teaching practices until October 31th, 2015!

We are looking forward to meeting you online and learning about your successful practices!

Start here and good luck!

Open Education Europa Teachers Contest launched!

Are you or your team the best educators in the World/in Europe
It is time to nominate as the Open Education Europa Teachers Contest was launched the 1st of Octoer in connection wih its 2 years anniversary.

Bildresultat för open education europa
Innovators from all all disciplines, fields and levels of education who use successfully various approaches and resources to share their good teaching practices until October 31th, 2015! You are most welcome to submit in any European language. 
See more at the special page for the Contest

Excellence in education requires a constant drive and passion for improvement, and professional development. Sharing is the heart of Education. The Open Education Europa portal is announcing the Open Education Europa Teachers Contest.

The Open Education Europa portal has just launched a contest aiming at collection and sharing innovative teaching practices taking place in Europe. See the infrórmation at the presentation below.

Open Education Europa Teachers Contest from Open Education Europa

The contest aims at European teachers and educators in primary, secondary and higher education, vocational training and adult learning who teach in an innovative way or aim to achieve greater openness or inclusion in the classroom.

To participate in the contest, please submit electronically a Good Practice you were personally involved in. We define “Good Practice” in education as an action, initiative or experience that enhances learning and combines one or more of the following principles:
  • Innovation; the application of a novel approach, method or resource to improve teaching or learning.
  • Openness; the use or production of resources that are shared freely; the opening up of the classroom with open educational practices.
  • Inclusion; providing access to education or training to a previously excluded group or audience.
The Replicability of the practice; whether it is easy for colleagues in other countries to apply and adapt the practice is also concidered in the contest.

Everyone taking part in the OEE Teachers Contest will receive the “Open Education Europa Pioneer” badge and have a chance to win a trip to an innovative school in Europe.
We are looking forward to meeting you online and learning about your successful practices!

Start here and good luck!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

RE: the OECD Report September 2015, it is time to read the full report

...and not just to concentrate on some critical headings from "between the lines" which have been published the last couple of days in all kind of media all over the world.

The OECD has recently published the report entitled "Students, Computers and Learning: Making the connection". This report has caused quite a stir - both in popular media and in professional and academic circles. But what does it actually say? What are the conclusions we should draw from it? What are the consequences and implications we should expect?
Read the full report here

The  report discuss: Are there computers in the classroom? Does it matter? Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection examines how students’ access to and use of information and communication technology (ICT) devices has evolved in recent years, and explores how education systems and schools are integrating ICT into students’ learning experiences. Based on results from PISA 2012, the report discusses differences in access to and use of ICT – what are collectively known as the “digital divide” – that are related to students’ socio-economic status, gender, geographic location, and the school a child attends. The report highlights the importance of bolstering students’ ability to navigate through digital texts. It also examines the relationship among computer access in schools, computer use in classrooms, and performance in the PISA assessment. As the report makes clear, all students first need to be equipped with basic literacy and numeracy skills so that they can participate fully in the hyper-connected, digitised societies of the 21st century.

OECD (2015), Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection, PISA, OECD Publishing, Paris. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264239555-en

View the presentation from OECD A. Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills below:

Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection (Andreas Schleicher, (Director, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills) from OECD Education

One simple conclusion can be summarized as: You can’t think about technology for learning in isolation from teachers.

For some people this report might be the evidence that computers do not improve learning. For other people the findings of this report might prove that teachers still luck the skills to use technology in classroom in an efficient way. Few people can also say that this research has just shown that there is no bad technology but only bad teachers or, from another perspective, what makes technology work is a brilliant teacher and nothing more!

For sure the research findings of the OECD report have been interpreted in different ways and have caused quite a stir - both in popular media and in professional and academic circles. But what does it actually say? What are the conclusions we should draw from it? What are the consequences and implications we should expect?

The report has been commented by some experts at the OPEN EDUCATION EUROPA. You can contribute and join the OPEN debate about the OECD report: Digital technology in schools is it a "benefit" or a "burden"? Follow the link and contribute to the  public debate, and make  your voice heard!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

En nationell referensram för kvalifikationer för livslångt lärande

Betänkande 2014/15:UbU15 En nationell referensram för kvalifikationer för livslångt lärande

Så tas äntligen hela frågan om livslångt lärande och kvalifikationer för detssamma på allvar av Regeringen, åtminstone i form av publikattion och beslut. Nu återstår implementering och handling. Ska bli intressant att följa hur utbildningsorganisationer och arbetsliv tar konsekvenserna av dessa beslut.

Bildresultat för livslångt lärande

Under hösten 2015 har regeringen infört en nationell referensram för kvalifikationer för livslångt lärande (SFS 2015:545) i enlighet med Europaparlamentets och rådets rekommendation om en europeisk referensram för kvalifikationer för livslångt lärande (EUT C 111, 6.5.2008). Den grundläggande idén med den europeiska referensramen för kvalifikationer för livslångt lärande och införandet av nationella referensramar är att det ska bli enklare för personer, arbetsgivare och utbildningsanordnare att förstå på vilken nivå en kvalifikation ligger. Med kvalifikation avses ett dokumenterat resultat av lärande i form av kunskaper, färdigheter och kompetenser, t.ex. examina, certifikat och diplom. Att nivån på kvalifikationer tydliggörs underlättar för den som vill byta arbete eller börja studera i Sverige, eller i ett annat EU-land. 
Den nationella referensramen innehåller åtta nivåer som beskriver det resultat av lärande som är av betydelse för respektive nivå. Referensramen kan tillämpas inom alla delar av det offentliga utbildningsväsendet och möjliggör samtidigt för aktörer utanför det offentliga utbildningsväsendet att få nivån på sina kvalifikationer fastställd i den nationella referensramen. Regeringen har fastställt nivån på kvalifikationer som är författningsreglerade och som uppfyller de krav på läranderesultat och kvalitetssäkring som ställs i rekommendationen om EQF i förordningen. Nivån på övriga kvalifikationer kan fastställas efter ansökan och erlagd avgift från utfärdaren, under förutsättning att samma krav uppfylls. En sådan ansökan prövas av Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan och kan överklagas till Överklagandenämnden för högskolan. 

Bildresultat för sveriges riksdag

Människor lär genom hela livet och i många olika sammanhang, inom det offentliga utbildningssystemet, inom arbetslivet eller genom privata utbildningsanordnare. Lärande kan leda till olika former av examensbevis, examen, certifikat eller diplom. Dessa kvalifikationer kan vara av mycket olika karaktär. Genom införandet av en nationell referensram skapas en helhetsbild av olika kvalifikationer som ges ut i Sverige och som underlättar för enskilda personer, arbetsgivare och utbildningsanordnare att förstå på vilken nivå en kvalifikation ligger, både nationellt och internationellt. Därmed främjas rörlighet och livslångt lärande för arbetstagare och studerande inom EU. 

Den nationella referensramen ersätter inte det offentliga utbildningssystemets styrdokument, som t.ex. läroplaner och kursplaner, och på- verkar inte heller antagningsregler inom respek- tive utbildnings- eller skolform. Det handlar i stället om att synliggöra vilken nivå på kunskaper, färdigheter och kompetenser som krävs för att erhålla de olika kvalifikationer som ges ut i Sverige. Att kraven för att uppnå en viss kvalifikation definieras i termer av lärande- resultat, i stället för t.ex. längden på en ut- bildning, innebär att det tydligt behöver framgå vilka kunskaper, färdigheter och kompetenser som krävs för att uppnå kvalifikationen. Införandet av en nationell referensram och dess princip om läranderesultat kan underlätta arbetet med validering och stimulera utvecklingen. En nationell referensram kan förhoppningsvis bidra till att öka rörligheten på arbetsmarknaden, underlätta övergångar mellan arbete och utbildning och bidra till att ge resultaten av validering nationell legitimitet på arbetsmarknaden. 

De bestämmelser i förordningen som reglerar referensramens syfte, nivåer i referensramen och bemyndiganden för Myndigheten för yrkeshög- skolan att meddela föreskrifter samt lagen (2015:478) om avgift för ansökan träder i kraft den 1 oktober 2015. Bestämmelser som avser ansökan och beslut om nivå på en kvalifikation i den nationella referensramen träder i kraft den 1 januari 2016.
Läs hela betänkandet här

Monday, September 21, 2015

The annual Fall Blog Festival (FBF), facilitated by Dr. Nellie Dutsch , is a one day blog festival event showcasing bloggers, their work, and valuable tips for blogging for reflective practice, work with students, business and other reasons. This event takes place Moodle for Teachers (M4T) on September 21, 2015. Highlights include: Why blog, background to blogging, influential bloggers, getting started, and best practices and challenges involved in blogging.

The presenters for this fall blog festival are: 
Blog: ancesdiveblogs.blogspot.com
Blog: robhoward.com/blog
Blog http://anita-adnan.webnode.com//
Blog e4qualityinnovationandlearning.blogspot.com/
Blog www.sylviasenglishonline.org/blog/

All information you need about the FBF2015 you can find here

Fall Blog Festival

The annual Fall Blog Festival (FBF) is a one day blog festival event showcasing bloggers, their work, and valuable tips for blogging for reflective practice, work with students, business and other reasons. This event takes place Moodle for Teachers (M4T) on September 21, 2015. Highlights include: Why blog, background to blogging, influential bloggers, getting started, and best practices and challenges involved in blogging. 

My own presentation on How to build your professional network through blogging will be presented and discussed at 1pm EST
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Integrating Technology for Active Lifelong Learning or IT4ALL is an organization that provides free to low cost programs on how to integrate technology into blended, fully online, and face-to-face learning environments. 

IT4ALL is run by Dr. Nellie Deutsch an education technology & marketing consultant. 

Dr. Nellie Deutsch (Ed.D) is a Canadian educational leadership, technology and curriculum and instruction consultant. She coaches teachers and admin on how to teach with and manage Moodle courses and Moodle sites. She’s internationally known as a relationship-based academic and doctoral dissertation writing coach, mentor to educators, researcher, author, speaker, community builder, instructional designer and facilitator of fully online and blended learning programs using Moodle, WizIQ, Zoom, Google drive and active learning presentation tools that focus on teaching as a way to learn. 
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Dr. Nellie Deutsch @IT4ALL

Doctor of Education

Certificates of Participation (free) will be available to those who attend 60% of the webinars and write a blog post about the event. Submission of the links to the blog posts and attendance area are on Moodle for Teachers website. Click toenrol in the webathon for 2015.

One class link for 8 hours of learning. Click on the webinar link and stay in the same class for the whole day

You do not need to create an account to join the Fall Blog Festival. The Fall Blog Festival is an 8-hour of status updates by educators from around the world. Share this invitation with your colleagues, friends & publicly in your social networks
Read everything about the program and meet the presenters/Bloggers here