Welcome to my blog on Quality, elearning, OER, OEP, OEC, and user generated content (UGC)

The posts in my blog will be both in English and Swedish.
Blogposterna kommer att vara både på svenska och engelska.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mooc Quality Project weekly perspectives from top quality experts on evolution, development and quality assurance of MOOC-based education

The MOOC Quality Project

MOOCs represent the latest stage in the evolution of open educational resources. First was open access to course content, and then access to free online courses. Accredited institutions are now accepting MOOCs as well as free courses and experiential learning as partial credit toward a degree. The next disruptor will likely mark a tipping point: an entirely free online curriculum leading to a degree from an accredited institution.
MOOCs are moving from an early entrepreneurial stage into the reality of more and more educational institutions. Gaining participants, visibility and a growing community worldwide in many occasions the question rises to the surface: Are MOOCs the new model of online education for all? Are they fit to democratize education? and above all – what is a good quality MOOC?
The MOOC Quality Project, an initiative of the European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (www.efquel.org),  addresses the latter question not by trying to find one answer which fits all, but by trying to stimulate a discourse on the issue of Quality of MOOCs. A series of BlogPosts  of worldwide visible experts and entrepreneurs  of MOOCs  will address the issue from each particpant’s viewpoint. After each BlogPost we will allow a one week period of time to react and comment on the post made available. At the end of the week  the discussion will be shortly summarized and made available to all.
Each Wednesday you will find a new post, with a length of 1000-1500 words maximum length.
We are looking forward to a lively debate,
for EFQUEL, Ulf-Daniel Ehlers & Ebba Ossiannilsson & Alastair Creelman
- See more at: http://mooc.efquel.org/the-mooc-quality-project/#sthash.ewNn2yS3.dpuf

The MOOC Quality Project

MOOCs represent the latest stage in the evolution of open educational resources. First was open access to course content, and then access to free online courses. Accredited institutions are now accepting MOOCs as well as free courses and experiential learning as partial credit toward a degree. The next disruptor will likely mark a tipping point: an entirely free online curriculum leading to a degree from an accredited institution.
MOOCs are moving from an early entrepreneurial stage into the reality of more and more educational institutions. Gaining participants, visibility and a growing community worldwide in many occasions the question rises to the surface: Are MOOCs the new model of online education for all? Are they fit to democratize education? and above all – what is a good quality MOOC?
The MOOC Quality Project, an initiative of the European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (www.efquel.org),  addresses the latter question not by trying to find one answer which fits all, but by trying to stimulate a discourse on the issue of Quality of MOOCs. A series of BlogPosts  of worldwide visible experts and entrepreneurs  of MOOCs  will address the issue from each particpant’s viewpoint. After each BlogPost we will allow a one week period of time to react and comment on the post made available. At the end of the week  the discussion will be shortly summarized and made available to all.
Each Wednesday you will find a new post, with a length of 1000-1500 words maximum length.
We are looking forward to a lively debate,
for EFQUEL, Ulf-Daniel Ehlers & Ebba Ossiannilsson & Alastair Creelman
- See more at: http://mooc.efquel.org/the-mooc-quality-project/#sthash.ewNn2yS3.dpuf


The MOOC Quality project
MOOCs represent the latest stage in the evolution of open educational resources. First was open access to course content, and then access to free online courses. Accredited institutions are now accepting MOOCs as well as free courses and experiential learning as partial credit toward a degree. The next disruptor will likely mark a tipping point: an entirely free online curriculum leading to a degree from an accredited institution.
MOOCs are moving from an early entrepreneurial stage into the reality of more and more educational institutions. Gaining participants, visibility and a growing community worldwide in many occasions the question rises to the surface: Are MOOCs the new model of online education for all? Are they fit to democratize education? and above all – what is a good quality MOOC?
The MOOC Quality Project, an initiative of the European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (www.efquel.org),  addresses the latter question not by trying to find one answer which fits all, but by trying to stimulate a discourse on the issue of Quality of MOOCs. A series of BlogPosts  of worldwide visible experts and entrepreneurs  of MOOCs  will address the issue from each particpant’s viewpoint. After each BlogPost we will allow a one week period of time to react and comment on the post made available. .
Each Wednesday you will find a new post, with a length of 1000-1500 words maximum length.
After each BlogPost we will allow a one week period of time to react and comment on the post made available.
We are looking forward to a lively debate

For EFQUEL, Ulf-Daniel Ehlers & Ebba Ossiannilsson & Alastair Creelman

We are now already in the 8th week of the project and this week the blog is from the student perspective. Julius Kvissberg from Lund University, Sweden gives his views on MOOC 

Read the full blogpost by Julius Kvissberg here

Some of the earlier contributers

Grainne Conole


Asha Kanwar                                       Martin Weller

Look out for next weeks contribution with Paul Stacey; Creative Commons
Paul Stacey,  Director Creative Commons
Paul Stacey,  Director Creative Commons

1 comment:

  1. This MOOC Quality project has been an interesting ride so far (which for me is the first 6 weeks - got some catching up to do!)
    I am also studying my first MOOC which gives me a very practical view of the various contributions.
    Thanks to all concerned!
